Describes what ranks we have and what admin policies we have on the guild bank and such.

Ending Guilds List

Exile’s End –   Republic  | Outcast’s End –  Imperial    

Perks – Conquest, XP, OPs, PVP/GSF, Large Yield, Zeal Bonus | Alt limits by rank, 14 day inactivity policy

These are our main guilds. If we’re going after a planet, it’s going to be on one of these. They are focused around leveling, conquest and endgame content.  The main perks we try to pick are XP focused, such as Experience Focus, Experience Powerhouse, Flashpoint Profiteer, Warzone Profiteer, Space Pirate and Conqueror so we can get the Zeal bonus for your alacrity needs.  We will fill in with Operations Profiteer when it is available to give our Ops teams a chance at that grand chance cube of awesome on that final boss.  They have alt limits as well as inactivity rules (if you are ever removed for inactivity you are always welcome back and we are just a message away).

Alternate Ending –   Republic  | Ulterior Ending –  Imperial    

Perks – Conquest, XP, PVP/GSF, Large Yield , Zeal Bonus| No alt limits, no inactivity policy

These alt guilds have no alt limits and no inactivity rules. Their perks are focused around experience and serve as “overflow” for the main guilds. The main perks we try to pick are XP focused, such as Experience Focus, Experience Powerhouse, Flashpoint Profiteer, Warzone Profiteer, Space Pirate and Conqueror.

Trade’s End –   Republic  | Dead End –  Imperial    

Perks – Crafting, Gathering, GTN, Small Yield , Crit Bonus| No alt limits, no inactivity policy

These alt guilds have no alt limits and no inactivity rules.  Their perks are focused around crafting and selling for your crafting needs. We do our best to always keep Critical Crafting, Professional Training and Tax Evasion on these guilds as much as possible to make it of the most benefit for our crafters and sellers. These guild banks are filled with crafting materials, schematics, and missions for you to use as needed.

Night’s End –  Imperial    

Perks- XP, Small Yield | No alt limits, no inactivity policy

Formerly known as MKULTRA, this guild primarily contains newer or less experienced players with lower level characters. Members are more than welcome to stay in this guild, but higher level perks are available in the other Imperial guilds.

To keep in touch across the different guilds in-game, it is highly encouraged that you join the Ending chat using the /cjoin ending command.

Guild Ranks


Senate is a collective group that manages the overall direction of the Guild and acts in the constant best interest of the Guild.  Most matters are voted upon among them and simple majority carries. In addition to managing the guild they also manage discord.

  a. Max # of toons permitted in guild: 5

  b.  Weekly Guild Repair Funds: 5,000,000

Representative is a group of members that have been chosen by Senate to assist in the day to day support of the guild whether it is in game or on discord, these members are a present and a go to person in the community for support.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild: 5

  b.  Weekly Guild Repair Funds: 5,000,000


Event Leads are selected by the Senate to lead events for the guild. Event leads choose the type of event as well as what faction they lead events on, always keeping in mind to balance both the needs of our pub and imp guilds. Event leads commit to running a minimum of two events a week but are welcome to do more if they so choose. They work closely with leadership and scheduling to make sure that there are minimal schedule conflicts and full support for whatever they choose to do with the guild.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild: 5

  b.  Weekly guild Repair Funds: 5,000,000

Ambassadors – Discord only – are leadership members of Ally guilds who consistently support and assist in the growth and greater good of our community

Event CoordinatorsDiscord Only –  are members who have just started to lead events, are learning to lead events, or only lead one event weekly.  This is the first step on the path to becoming an event lead.  The in game rank remains the same.

Heralds are members who actively spend their time recruiting as they play trying to get new members for our guilds to continue to keep them growing and active.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild: 5

  b.  Weekly guild Repair Funds: 5,000,000 

Emissary is the first step in the path to becoming a recruiter for us.  These are members who actively spend their time learning to recruit as they play trying to get new members for our guilds to continue to keep them growing and active.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild: 5

  b.  Weekly Guild Repair Funds: 4,000,000

Exemplars are members who started out as luminaries and continually go above and beyond but do not want the responsibilities that leadership can sometimes have.  They support the guild in any way needed when they are providing that guiding presence.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild: 5

  b.  Weekly guild Repair Funds: 4,000,000

Luminaries are members who have shown tremendous dedication to the guild whether by consistently helping others, running events, and/or regularly recruiting for the guild. Luminaries light the way for new guildies by example.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild: 5

  b.  Weekly guild Repair Funds: 4,000,000

Loyalists  are members who have been in the Guild for a minimum of 1 month and who have shown dedication to the Guild, to helping other members, and/or contributing significantly to Conquest.  Loyalists can also send guild invites.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild: 5

  b.  Weekly Guild Repair Funds: 3,000,000

Member  is the standard Guild rank. Granted when the first toon in Guild can start earning Conquest and when the player has shown discretion in guild chat (ie proven they are not a troll!). Members can send summons, and update their Member Notes to indicate their role(s) in the guild.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild: 5

  b.  Weekly Guild Repair Funds: 2,000,000

Ally Discord only – These are members of other guilds that join our discord to help fill or participate in events with us.

Recruit is the entry level rank of all Members upon first joining. This role only lasts until the CQ reset after joining (at most 7 days) upon which recruits are promoted up to the Member role.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild:  5

  b.  Weekly Guild Repair Funds: 1,000,000

Suspended is the rank for those who have been found in violation of guild rules but being granted a second chance.

  a.  Max # of toons permitted in guild:  1  b.  Weekly Guild Repair Funds: 0